Summer staff

The work as a summer staff is varied and challenging with a lot of fellowship and fun. You do not need to be an expert to work at Kopparbo. Being positive and willing is enough!

As a summer staff, you have a supervisor and work in a group with other summer staff. The tasks range from managing groups through activities such as guiding the pioneer tracks, climbing and canoeing to maintenance work and cooking. You will get new friends and a good work merit. The accommodation and food are free and you also get pocket money. If you want to be a member of staff, you must be at least be 17 years old during the year. If you want to register as a summer staff you can fill out the form below.


Time: Normally the season is from end of May to beginning of October. You can be there parts, but we prioritize longer stays. Available weeks are based on our need for the season.
Age: You must be at least 17 during the year.
Accommodation: In house/cabin shared with other summer staff.
Bring with you: Clothes to use during your stay, borrowed staff t-shirt/sweater is used when working. If you stay longer, there is a washing machine to borrow. If you have a certificates for climbing, it is good to bring along.
Included: The accommodation and the food are free and you also get pocket money. You get to borrow the official T-shirt.
Price: You only pay for travel to and from Kopparbo. If you stay longer than 14 days, your trip in Sweden is paid by Kopparbo.
Application: Fill in the form below.
Questions: Send to (If you have trouble with the form, contact this email)

Safe from harm

We want to be a safe and secure place free from bullying and other abuse. Therefore, all officials, old and young, must at least every three years undergo the web course ”Trygga Möten”, which is produced by the Scouts. It’s not possible to do the web course from abroad, so it will be handled when you arrive.

We are open for submissions for 2025!

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